Monday, September 27, 2010


By James Broida

In the physical world, sometimes a more easy going attitude may be as much a phenomenon of the body as it is of the mind.

Being a man, I am far less likely to undergo any sort of cosmetic procedure than a woman. About a tenth as likely, to be precise.

I say this only as a kind of introduction, a way of expressing that my experience with cosmetic surgery of any kind—and its psychological impact—was completely new. I had no previous reference point.

Nonetheless, several months ago I decided to undergo my first cosmetic procedure. It was not a major procedure by any turn of the imagination, but rather an introductory, noninvasive procedure, the kind of subtle change that many people interested in cosmetic surgery begin with. In my case it was Botox, with a dash of Juvederm.

I have what are known as “elevens.” These are two vertical lines between the eyebrows, a consequence in my case of decades of hard thinking, or scowling, depending on your point of view. And in my case these were more than lines. More like twin Grand Canyons.

Over the years I wondered if my knotted brows would ever relax. Many times I massaged them, but to no avail. They remained stubbornly crunched up.

Then I decided it was time, and visited a cosmetic surgeon who, with surprising ease, put a little Botox into each muscle and a little Juvederm filler into each crevice. Bingo. What years of attempted meditation coupled with circular finger massages could not accomplish transpired almost immediately. The tiny muscular fists on my forehead flattened out, and the twin fissures become two thin lines, hardly noticeable.

But that was just the physical part. The psychologist part was far more interesting.

According to the theory of psychosomatic medicine—which is the basis of biofeedback therapy—all of our experiences have a physical as well as physiological component. They are inextricably linked.

When you are dreaming at night, for example, you are emitting alpha brain waves and rapid eye movements. If you are not displaying these physical signs, you cannot be dreaming.

The same physical principle applies to stress. If you are physically relaxed, you cannot be mentally stressed. In biofeedback, they use this principle to get people over their anxieties. The way it works s that you are trained to relax in the face of something that normally stresses you. If you can stay relaxed, your anxiety should disappear. If you can utterly relax when they put a snake in a box next to you, you will not react with fear or stress. You’ll just keep taking those long calm breaths. “From the muscle researchers has come the thesis that anxiety is incompatible with relaxation,” writes Dr. Barbara Brown, PhD in her book about biofeedback, New Mind, New Body. “Changes in states of consciousness which accompany the release from muscle tension no alleviate anxiety states.”

So, if my muscles are relaxed, then I must be relaxed too!

Well, maybe. The first question I had was: What happens to the tension that used to go to my brow? My life hasn’t changed, after all, so I still faced the same stressful conditions.

One answer is the water in the dam theory, that if you block the pressure in one place, it emerges somewhere else. A study in the most recent issue of the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology suggests that Botox may actually cause extra wrinkles. The reason, according to author Dr.David Becker, is that muscular expressions masked by Botox will find a way to express itself in muscle groups that have not been injected.

I watched myself carefully. What happened when I faced a wave of stress, like when someone at work enraged me?

My first feeling was sort of like what I imagine people who are missing limbs feel. I wanted to get mad, but it was like I was missing words to express it. I would lift a finger about to yell at someone, then take a breath and calm down. Did I squint more now that I didn’t crunch my forehead and bark? Maybe a little, but at least at first I just stopped being so upset, and just sort of shook my head and walked away.

“When you have these creases from years of worrying and the muscles won’t unfurl, you don’t get a sense of relaxation,” says Dr. Jody Schwartz, a Chicago-based clinical psychologist who specializes in self-esteem and anxiety relief. “Botox relaxes the muscles, and should relax how you feel. So there is a relationship between the two…I don’t think that’s what the drug is meant to do but I think it does help.”

Well, then. If a smile generates happiness, my new happy face can generate happiness too. And that doesn’t take into account the main reason that cosmetic procedures make people happy—by making them feel more confident, and better about themselves. I will leave that deeper psychological construct for another time. For now, I was happy-yes, happy—that instead of scowling like Ebenezer Scrooge, I could take a more Bobby Mcferrin attitude. Don’t worry—be happy.

* What Does Your Lip Shape Say About YOU? *

Analyzing your face shape can be really fun especially if you know which feature can tell the most of your character. Face reading is one of the latest and most fascinating sciences that aims to build a relationship between our features and various traits. Lips are very revealing spots of our face, making them look sensual and perfectly conditioned is one of the secret weapons to looking fabulous. Learn to read your face and have fun while discovering some of your hidden traits from this amazing insight into the art of face reading!

FULL LIPS: Specialists claim full lips are a sign of confidence, therefore those who have them are, in most of the cases, able to solve the complex situations and radiate a self-assured personality. Moreover often those who have these lip shapes are also fun-filled personalities who know what entertainment really is.

THIN LIPS: Thin lips are the obvious signs of a calm and balanced personality who is aware of the smallest details and might watch from the background and act when it is righteous to take an important step. The sensible look of their lips can be misleading as they might appear shy and too modest, however it is in fact one of their secret weapons to win the difficult situations and come out as the ultimate winner of all debates and fights.

Downward-Turning Lips: This lip shape radiates a mysterious and sultry vibe. This can cause others to be fasinated and those blessed with these lips to acquire many admirerers. Those with these lips are savvy and street-smart, but also value love and kindness.

Heart Shaped Lips: Specialists claim tha those with heart-shaped lips are extremely happy as it is considered by all people seductive and sensual. Those who were blessed with a similar feature should consider this spot the best area to accentuate and highlight. Independence and confidence are additional traits that can be read out of these cute shaped lips.

Friday, September 24, 2010


3 simple steps to improve your rear view!

1. Twice a day: Slather on Lotion

The tightening effects of anticellulite creams start to diminish after six to eight hours, says Bill Johnson, M.D., a cosmetic specialist in Dallas. Apply an additional layer at midday to extend the toning time.

2. Once a day: Exfoliate

Creams and gels will penetrate the skin on your butt and thighs more deeply if you slough dead cells first, Dr. Johnson says. Sweep a natural bristle brush over cellulite-prone areas before you hop into the shower.

3, Three Times a week: Stretch it out

Boosting circulation helps lessen lumps, says Howard Murad M.D. Get blood flow going: Lie on your back and extend legs. Bend your right leg and pull your knee into your chest. Hold 20 seconds; switch legs to do one rep. Repeat twice.

-Fitness Magazine


Friday, September 10, 2010

* Glen Ivy Hot Springs *

If you're looking for some relaxation and fun Spa Girls, you have to check out Glen Ivy Hot Springs Spa. Long before Europeans came to California, Native Americans enjoyed the blend of cool and warm waters flowering naturally from Coldwater Canyon in the Temescal Valley. Today’s Glen Ivy Spa experience complements the ancient thermal waters with professional massage, body, and skin treatments, Club Mud, California’s only red clay bath, The Grotto, Glen Ivy’s social body moisturizing treatment, underground, and Café Sole, delicious and healthy spa cuisine made with fresh and seasonal ingredients by executive Chef Bill Wavrin. The beautiful rooftop Sole Terrace and Cabanas are available to groups of two to a hundred.

Known for unpretentious prices and high value, with admission to the Spa alone comes the use of mineral water baths, outdoor and indoor pools and spas, steam rooms, saunas, and Club Mud, all in a sub-tropical surround.
“When we arrive at Glen Ivy I instantly feel ‘on vacation’ and I leave feeling good, and good about myself. It’s a powerful, renewing day.”
Celebrating 150 years of healing water and extraordinary service in 2010, Glen Ivy Hot Springs Spa is Southern California’s premier full service day resort and was named Favorite Day Spa, Favorite Mineral Springs Spa and Favorite Affordable Spa in America in Spa Magazine’s 2009 Readers’ Choice Awards.
Glen Ivy: elevating life experience since 1860.

The Details
Type of Spa: Day Spa
Address: 2500 Glen Ivy Road,
Corona, CA 92883
Reservations 888-Glen-Ivy
For more on spa services and amenities visit

Source: SPA Magazine

Thursday, September 2, 2010


1 Teaspoon Melted Beeswax
1/8 Teaspoon Borax
1-1/2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
2 Tablespoons Boiling Water

Dissolve the borax in the boiling water then pour the solution over the beeswax in a double boiler. Mix in the olive oil and heat slowly. When all the ingredients are melted together whip them in a blender. While the mixture is still warm, put it into several small jars or in one big jar. It will solidify as it cools.

Beeswax is rich in minerals, the olive oil rich in lubricant, and Vitamin E while the borax is an antiseptic that also keeps the cream from spoiling.

This extremely nourishing cream can be used both day and night for people who don't need something heavy. A thin application of cream, during the day, is great under make-up whereas a thicker one is wonderful when you sleep.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Your Post-Summer Beauty Plan!

Dried-out strands? Freckly skin? Rough Feet? Fix all your September challenges with these easy moves.

Repair Your Strands: Use a moisturizing treatment, like a hair restoration masque, weekly. Apply to damp strands, then cover hair with plastic wrap to lock in heat so ingredients better penetrate your hair.

Freshen Your Face: Spending too much time in the sun can cause uneven skin tone and texture. The fix? Wash with a cleanser that has fruit acids, which gently dissolve dulling dead skin cells.

Fade Chest Freckles: Even infrequent sun exposure can cause dark spots on your neck and décolletage. To minimize them, dot on a treatment that contains skin-brightening soy or redness-reducing licorice.

Soften Parched Skin: Nurture dry and dehydrated summer skin by applying a body lotion packed with antioxidants, which repair free radical damage caused by the sun's rays.

Save Sandal Tortured Feet: A summer in flip-flops does a number on your feet. Solution: Use a rich foot lotion with glycolic acid to help dissolve thick calluses and moisturize dry heels.