Monday, April 19, 2010

Self Love Is Honoring The Gift Of Who You Uniquely Are

Invest in You
"There is nothing more beautiful, powerful or free than a woman who truly loves herself!"

Dr. Rebecca Fitzgerald believes that feeling good and looking good go hand-in-hand. "Investing in yourself makes you a happier and more satisfied person, which in turn makes your life and the lvies of those around you happier and more satisfying. The way we look can change the way that people treat us and the way we treat others."

Despite enjoying wisdom and patience that come with aging, Dr. Fitzgerald explains that "few of us enjoy new lines and folds." "It's all about looking good for our age–well rested and relaxed, even if life can sometimes leave us tired and a little frazzled," she says. With a down-to-earth, approachble treatment style, Dr. Fitzgerald tailors her recommendations to meet each person's unique goals. "As a person in my early 50s, I can relate to concerns about aging," she says. "i'm very candid with my patients about what I've had done and it helps affirm that you can look refreshed without looking 'done'." Advocating the proverbial "ounce of prevention" approach. Dr. Fitzgerald favors correcting "a little but all along" rather than waiting for substantial changes that make crrection more costly. She also notes that significant premature aging comes from incidental UVA exposure. "You can accumulate yeats of damage thrugh your car windshield alone. The antidote to premature ading is multi-pronged–sun protection, diet, adequate rest and exercise."

Written by Rebecca Fitzgerald, MD

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